Beauty | Advertorial | Published September 2024

Beauty / Advertorial / Veröffentlicht August 2024 

Top 5 von Dermatologen empfohlene Cellulite-Produkte im Jahr 2024

Cellulite: Das Wort selbst ruft bei Frauen eine Reihe von Emotionen hervor.


Ob es nun ein Gefühl der Verlegenheit, des Selbstbewusstseins oder einfach nur des Ärgers ist, es ist ein Hautproblem, auf das viele lieber verzichten würden.


Cellulite ist nicht nur eine Frage des Gewichts


Oft wird das Vorhandensein von Cellulite mit Übergewicht oder einem ungesunden Lebensstil in Verbindung gebracht.


Doch die Realität? Das Gewicht hat wenig damit zu tun (sogar die schlanke Barbie hat Cellulite).


Ob Sie nun ein Fitness-Enthusiast, ein Model oder einfach jemand mit einem schnellen Stoffwechsel sind - Cellulite macht keinen Unterschied.


Es spielt keine Rolle, ob Sie ultra-fit sind oder einen bewegungsarmen Lebensstil führen; Cellulite kann trotzdem auftreten.


Die wahre Ursache von Cellulite


Cellulite entsteht, wenn sich die Fettzellen unter der Haut ausdehnen und gegen die Hautoberfläche drücken, was zu dem charakteristischen „Hüttenkäse“- oder „Orangenschalen“-Look führt.


Auch die Hautstruktur, insbesondere ihre Festigkeit und Elastizität, kann eine Rolle spielen. Eine schwache Hautstruktur kann das Auftreten von Cellulite verstärken.


Aber auch die robusteste und gesündeste Haut kann Anzeichen von Cellulite zeigen, wenn die darunter liegenden Fettzellen stark gegen sie drücken.


Einstufung von Cellulite: Der Schlüssel zu maßgeschneiderten Lösungen


Die Unterscheidung von Cellulite ist entscheidend, um eine passende Lösung zu finden. Cellulite ist nicht gleich Cellulite, und die Kenntnis ihres Grades kann uns zu wirksameren Behandlungen führen.

Hanna Freeman

Senior Editor -
Head Beauty Specialist

Ich arbeite als Schönheitsspezialistin und führe umfangreiche Forschungen zu Inhaltsstoffen durch, die Cellulite zum Schmelzen bringen. Ich teile gerne die Erkenntnisse meines Teams über Anti-Cellulite-Produkte, ihre Ergebnisse und etwaige Nebenwirkungen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Erkenntnisse habe ich eine Rangliste erstellt.

Expanding fat cels

Grad 1: CelluSmooth

Erscheinungsbild: Glatte Haut Ausdehnung der Fettzellen: Geringfügig Schwächung der Haut: Geringfügig

Grade 2: CelluMild

Erscheinungsbild: „Orangenschale“, wenn sie eingeklemmt wird Fettzellenausdehnung: Geringfügig Schwächung der Haut: Geringfügig

Grad 3: CelluBumps

Erscheinungsbild: Sichtbare „Orangenhaut“ Fettzellenausdehnung: Mäßig Hauterschlaffung: Mäßig

Grade 4: CelluRough

Erscheinungsbild: Stets rau und schrumpelig Fettzellenausdehnung: Erhebliche Hautschwäche: Erheblich

#1 Cellulite Factor"
68/10 (256 Votes
Description:Cellulite Factorhelps your body to reduce the appearance of cellulite at the cellular level.
Most products with collagen ingredients simply apply collagen to the skin.
Overall Grade
  • Reverse up to 90% of Grade 4 Cellulite in as little as 2 weeks
  • Naturally stimulates the body's collagen production
  • Directly targets and shrinks fat cells
  • Creates a "fat removal" effect
  • Formulated with scientifically-endorsed, potent ingredients
  • Safe & effective
  • Manufactured in US
  • Adheres to cGMP standards under FDA regulations
  • 365-day money back guarantee
body's own cc
  • Negatives
  • Supplies are limited
  • roduct may be sold ou
  • Only available for online purchase, can't be bought in stores
"I could feel the texture of my body changing. It felt less bumpy and more smooth...".
- Latrice
"I can honestly say this product is amazing. I've been sufferinq from cellulite most of my life.When I started using this product my skin became firmer and glowing, I tried hundreds of products and I can honestly say this product works.I can wear shorts and mini skirts again! thank you."
- Latisha Darby
"Wow this product is amazing I mean when I read the reviews I was like yeah right but I myself have tried it in for only one month mind you and I have seen a big big difference thank you so much for your product it is AMAZING I'm going to tell all my friends about it"

Up date4

#2 Eveline Cosmetics lim
Overall Grade


  • t fights heavy legs, swelling and combats cellulite
  • Using it everyday combined with exercise seems to make a difference after 2 weeks
  • Helps smooth the surface of your skin
  • You can feel it start working right away
  • Has a moisturizing feel to it
Our Rating: 9.4/1
Description:Eveline Slim Extreme4D Super Concentrated Cellulite Cream is desiqned to target subcutaneous fat tissue,reduce cellulite swelling and improve the overall appearance of your skin. However, some users say they. experience skin rashes as a side effect
  • Customers report this product gets very hot and you may experience hot flashes.
  • May cause skin rashes or irritation
  • May experience a tingling sensation
  • No information on the product's guarantee
Eveline Slim Night Lipo Shock Therapy is a. product created by Eveline Cosmetics, with the manufacturer claiming that itsformula is safe and effective.This therapy is meant to be used at night, with the ingredients gradually released to firm and tighten the skin.

#3 CelluliTX Cream

Our Rating: 9.2/10 Customer Rating: 9.4/10 (232 Votes)
Description: CelluliTX Cream works byo stimulating the degradation process of fat cells by improving circulation.
Overall Grade


  • Decreases water retention
  • Helps speed up the production of collagen
  • Improves circulation in your legs to help stimulate cellulite removal
  • May not give immediate results.
  • You need to exercise properly to keep your skin from sagging
  • Manufacturer does not offer a return policy
  • Main ingredient may have a few side effects
It also decreases water retention and speeds up the production of collagen. All these combine to help your skin deal with cellulite and look smoother and younger.
#4 Sefudun Anti Cellulite Cream
Our Rating: 9.0/10 Customer Rating: 9.2/10 (252 Votes)
Description: The Anti Cellulite and Firming Cream is a skincare product marketed for use by both men and women.
It is claimed to improve various aspects of the skin's appearance and health, such as body circulation, metabolism, skin strength, and the reduction of cellulite, stretch marks, and pain.
Overall Grade


  • Reduces the appearance of cellulite
  • May help reduce and remove stretch marks
  • Manufacturer says this cream contains 100% pure, natural and certified natural plant extracts
  • Customers report seeing results in as little as 3 weeks
  • There's a money-back guarantee
  • Some customers report experiencing a burning sensation
  • Not enough inside to last more than 1 or 2 weeks
  • Not recommended if you're not an active person
  • Only available for online purchase
Some users have reported positive results from using this product.

Meno-Balance Bundle

Overall Grade


  • This product may improve the elasticity of your skin
  • May also be effective for hydrating the skin
  • 94% showed an improvement in appearance of crepey skin
Our Rating: 8.9/10 Customer Rating: 9.1/10 (312 Votes)
Description: StriVectin Tightening Body Cream is intended to be a lotion that you can use all over your body and it tightens and firms the skin.
The makers of StriVectin Tightening Body Cream claim it to be a body lotion that can make your skin firmer and more resilient. In just 8 weeks,the user may start to notice these benefits.
  • Some ingredients in the StriVectin Tightening Body Cream formula are unnatural
  • Tube doesnt last more than 4-5 weeks
  • This cream is known to have a displeasing aroma for certain people
  • People report ending up with a rash after use
  • Known to have the consistency of a thick paste and doesn't absorb as well
  • Only available for online purchase
  • No 365-day money back guarantee.
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  • product and were compensated for their time. Individual results may vary