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Vitamin Power Bundle

Vitamin Power Bundle

Regular price 111,90 EUR
Regular price 117,70 EUR Sale price 111,90 EUR
- 4% regular price Unit price 1.243,33  per  l
Tax included. Shipping calculated at checkout.
Klarna invoice payment within 30 daysThe strongest supplements on the marketDelivery time 3-7 business days
Highly efficient health liquids bundle: Vitamin B12 Complex, Vitamin C+ Glutathione and Vitamin E,D,K,A
Premium bioavailability
The simplest and best form for taking nutritional supplements
Practical spray form - ideal for on the go!
Direct route into the body
Patented technology
Made in Germany
3 bottles of 30ml


Vitamin Power Bundle - your daily vitamin supply for more energy and well-being

The Vitamin Power Bundle offers you a comprehensive supply of essential vitamins and antioxidants that support you in everyday life. It is perfect for anyone who wants to promote their general health and strengthen their natural defenses. The carefully selected ingredients help you feel fit and energetic.

1. Vitamin C + Glutathione - Antioxidant support

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from oxidative stress and helps the body defend itself against harmful environmental influences. In combination with glutathione, another powerful antioxidant, it supports the maintenance of healthy cells.

2. Vitamin B12 Complex - Energy and nervous system

Vitamin B12 is crucial for energy metabolism and helps reduce fatigue. It also supports the normal function of the nervous system and contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells.

3. Vitamins E, D, K, A - Holistic support for your body

Vitamins E, D, K and A form a powerful combination that supports your body in many ways. This synergistic formula provides you with important nutrients that help maintain your health.


Spray the recommended amount of Myricals under your tongue and hold it in your mouth for up to 1 minute before swallowing.

For supplements with a strong flavor, you can take them with honey or in a smoothie, etc. The tiny Myricals peptides are not only better absorbed through the oral mucosa.


Active ingredient content / NRV1 / IE2

Information per recommended dosage

Vitamin C: 160 mg / 200% / -
Glutathione: 40 mg / - / -

Vitamin Power
Vitamin E: 12 mg a-TE / 100% / -
Vitamin D3: 50 μg / 1000% / 2000
Vitamin K2: 50 μg / 67% / -
Vitamin A: 800 μg / 100% / -

Energy Booster
Total vitamin B12: 500 μg / 20,000% / -
Methylcobalamin: 350 μg / 14,000% / -
Hydroxocobalamin: 76 μg / 3,000 % / -
Adenosylcobalamin: 76 μg / 3,000% / -


Zutaten: Wasser, Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Vitamin C, Lösemittel (Ethanol), Emulgator (Lecithin), Aroma (Sauerkirsche), Antioxidationsmittel (Alpha-Tocopherol; Glutathion)

Vitamin Power:
Zutaten: Wasser, Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Lösemittel (Ethanol), Emulgator (Lecithin (Soja)),Sonnenblumenöl, Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol), Vitamin D3 in MCT-Öl, Vitamin K2 in MCT-Öl,Vitamin A, Aroma (Orangenschalenöl)

Zutaten: Wasser, Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Emulgator (Lecithin (Soja)), Aroma (Orangenschalenöl), Methylcobalamin, Antioxidationsmittel (Alpha-Tocopherol), Hydroxycobalamin, Adenosylcobalamin

Laboratory test

The highest quality standards are a matter of course for us: That's why we have not only our finished products, but also every raw material we use tested for their active ingredient content and purity. So that you can understand this directly, you can view the results of our respective laboratory tests here.

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Zutaten: Wasser, Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Vitamin C, Lösemittel (Ethanol), Emulgator (Lecithin), Aroma (Sauerkirsche), Antioxidationsmittel (Alpha-Tocopherol; Glutathion)

Vitamin Power:
Zutaten: Wasser, Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Lösemittel (Ethanol), Emulgator (Lecithin (Soja)),Sonnenblumenöl, Vitamin E (Alpha-Tocopherol), Vitamin D3 in MCT-Öl, Vitamin K2 in MCT-Öl,Vitamin A, Aroma (Orangenschalenöl)

Energy Booster:
Zutaten: Wasser, Feuchthaltemittel (Glycerin), Emulgator (Lecithin (Soja)), Aroma (Orangenschalenöl), Methylcobalamin, Antioxidationsmittel (Alpha-Tocopherol), Hydroxycobalamin, Adenosylcobalamin

Wieso verwenden wir diese Zutaten?

Unser Körper besteht zu etwa 60–70 % aus Wasser. Es ermöglicht eine bessere Aufnahme aktiver Inhaltsstoffe, da diese bereits im Wasser gelöst vorliegen.

Pflanzliches Konservierungs- und Süßungsmittel natürlichen Ursprungs.
Ersetzt künstliche Konservierungsstoffe und trägt zur natürlichen Haltbarkeit bei.

Wirkt als natürliches Antioxidans und schützt wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe vor Oxidation und Abbau.

Lecithin (aus Soja)
Lecithin ist ein zentraler Bestandteil der Zellmembranen und wird in der TINYsphere®-Technologie als Hüllmaterial verwendet.
Verbessert die Aufnahme aktiver Inhaltsstoffe durch Schleimhäute und steigert so die Bioverfügbarkeit.
Sojalezithin besitzt besonders gute emulgierende Eigenschaften, was zu einer höheren Bioverfügbarkeit und längeren Haltbarkeit führt.

Fördert die Aufnahme fettlöslicher Wirkstoffe.
Reich an mehrfach ungesättigten Fettsäuren und Antioxidantien (Tocopherole), die den Zellschutz unterstützen.

Storage & Durability

Recommended storage: Closed, dry, protected from light and cool at 5 - 25 °C. In the unopened original container, 24 months from the date of manufacture. If the container is opened and stored for more than 6 months, the quality may deteriorate. Due to the use of natural ingredients, color changes may occur. These have no influence on the quality of the product.